Every Dollar Helps Us Help Others!

During the cold, windy prairie winters — when temperatures can drop below zero for days at a time — many families on the Pine Ridge Reservation struggle to keep their homes heated.

Each winter, we cut, split, and deliver hundreds of truckloads of firewood to homes across the reservation and provide emergency electric assistance and propane assistance, paid directly to utility companies.

Learn more about the program benefits for the 2023-24 winter season.

During the 2022-23 winter heating season, our trucks traveled more than 16,000 miles in the process of completing 785+ deliveries to all corners of the Pine Ridge Reservation.

We also purchased 15,800 gallons of propane and home heating oil, and provided more than $15,000 in emergency electric assistance on accounts with disconnect warnings.

Photo used with permission

Your tax-deductible donation will provide families and elders with firewood through the winter, along with emergency propane and electric utility assistance.

100% of donations received via this page will be allocated to our winter heating assistance program.

Please use the form below to make your one-time or recurring gift to Re-Member via credit card, debit card, or bank transfer.

Thank you for supporting Re-Member and the Oglala Lakota people of Pine Ridge!